Tales of the Footbaths- an Illustrated zine
Tales of the Footbaths is a zine that I produced in 2019, after collecting lots of stories from the regular users of Cov Baths ( a 50m swimming pool in the centre of Coventry that was due to close down) Cov Baths held so many memories- for the people that learned to swim there- or helped build it, or just had a special place in their hearts over it's 50 years serving the community and beyond,
For myself, I learned to swim there and then spent most Saturdays there with my sister- we would sit in the footbaths- that warm shallow bit that you had to walk through to get to the pool and disinfect your feet... Lisa and I would sit in it and then jump into the pool, which would then feel icy cold in comparison.
I collected lots of other people's stories and illustrated them, taking snippets of what people said and presented them all together in this lovely A5 landscape zine.
Tales of the Footbaths is a 28page full colour zine printed onto 170gsm recycled paper